Team 307


Design Ideation


The process that our group followed for the design ideation is fairly straightforward and simplistic. Our group discussed after class on campus and over the phone via text messages was the easiest way to bounce ideas back and forth from one another. Our brainstorming methods were an open format approach to allow for individual brainstorming before switching to group brainstorming. Our group did not face any scenarios of brainstorming that haven’t worked yet. An idea created by an individual group member would create a branch of discussions and often lead to further expanding on one idea or creating another idea to apply to the group’s design ideation. Each team member played a similar role when creating ideas, which was individually brainstorming concepts and bringing them to a group discussion for further discussion and brainstorming. We then created a Jam Board and put our needs on sticky notes; as seen in Appendix C. The organization process was chaotic in the beginning but with each member having experience using the Jam board, it became organized quickly. Our 100 design ideas were then separated into groups and each group was then colored by the importance of the design idea.

The process of organization for the Jamboard was an equal group member session in Discord where we all joined online on a shared screen and talked about each sticky note. After discussing the importance of each note the group ranked the sticky note together and placed them in the required group. Our group has three sketches and they were done by Samuel, Jake, and Jaydrian. A sketch has yet to be selected as our primary design.

Design 1

Design Concept 1

Set up in a + formation with a temperature sensor at each end of the legs. One leg will also have a humidity sensor. There is a motor in the center connected to a rod that a solar panel will be connected to. The motor will spin and turn to face the temperature sensor that is reading the highest temperature as this will most likely be the sensor that is facing the sun.

Design 2

Design Concept 2

In our second design concept, we will have an enclosed water reservoir with a spray nozzle. The motor will actuate the release mechanism for the mister. A humidity sensor, thermometer, and mister will all be enclosed within a plastic dome. Should the humidity be under a given level at a specified temperature, the motor will activate and mist the dome to bring the humidity to its desired level.

Design 3

Design Concept 3

Our third concept, similar to our second, will have an enclosed water tank to be sprayed using a mister. Though this design would measure ambient temperature and humidity and would use a combination of adjusting fan speed and spraying water to reach the desired temperature and humidity levels. The internals will be encased in a plastic octagonal casing with a tapered top where the sensors, misters, and fans will be placed.*